Buddies: Rainer, Tom, Rene (as well as Stolli and many others in the crowd of 50.000)
Score: 3.5 out of 5
Merch: nope, but I really like Tom's AIC shirt
Again: Well, I was wrong once...
It is my first time in the Golden Circle. It's big money but it makes much sense at this huge venue. As Stolli told me, the sound was quite bad further behind due to the strong wind. So good choice, Rainer, and thanks for this.
We miss Kvelertak. Tom and me just arrive in time for Children Of Bodom. It's a bit strange to see this Death Metal band playing in the blistering sun. As it turns out later, they play at approximately 20% of the main gig's volume. Just the last two songs start to groove a bit, but then it's over.
With Alice In Chains, the volume reaches serious levels. Leaving aside that their music is not the best support act for Metallica, they impress me quite a bit. Impeccable musical performance and very good vocals. They play into sunset with sun glasses on, and it just feels right. It's rather laid back music than heating up for the main act. I do not care, and I like it. If they should be in Vienna again as a main act, I would try to be there.

But of course, everybody is here for Metallica. And frankly, I have two (expected) issues with this gig (and please don't get me wrong, this is me complaining at very high levels):
- 80% of the setlist I know by heart, and
- Nearly all of these these songs they played much better before.

Nevermind. The show ends very nicely with 'Seek And Destroy' and a very long 'Thank You' from the band. Metallica is still one of the best live bands - but to be picky, they could do even better.
Bang that Head that doesn't Bang' :-)
Photos courtesy of Rainer.