A Word

***Wacken 2018 - view from the Jägermeister Deer

Live gigs are essential. Remembering them is sometimes even more fun (but writing tedious ;-). Short stories about great gigs - and the others as well. This is strictly non-commercial and just my humble taste/opinion.

12 November 2009

Paul Di Anno + Guests

Location: Viper Room, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 38, 1030 Wien, Österreich
Wait a second, EUR 15.10 for seeing the original voice of Iron Maiden (some would say, the only voice)? Sad, but true. Viper was packed with some 350 fans, who are honored to see a good performance despite Mr. Di Anno's apparent health problems.

Buddies: Rainer, Harald, Action, Pez, Michael

Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Another gig? Why not?

01 June 2009

Mogwai & Remember Remember

Location: Arena, Industriegebiet Erdberg, 1030 Vienna, Austria
My impressions from this first Mogwai gig are still stronger than from most of my other gigs. If you have a chance seeing them live, you will understand.

Buddies: Harald

Score: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Merchandize: a cool black Mogwai hood

Another gig? Always and certainly.

28 April 2009

Jamaaladeen Tacuma

Location: Konzerthaus Wien, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Vienna, Austria

In J.T.'s 'Coltraine Configurations', the bass guitar becomes the leading instrument - this alone makes this gig remarkable.














Buddy: Dieter, Jakob

Score: 3.5 out of 5

Another gig: maybe...





25 April 2009

Papa Roach & Filter

Location: Gasometer, Industriegebiet Erdberg, Guglgasse 12, 1110 Vienna, Austria
I admit, I go there because of Filter. And eventually it's worth it because of Filter...

Buddies: Harald, Tom and friends
Score: 3 out of 5
Merchandise: Filter Tour T-Shirt
Another gig? Yes, of Filter as a main act (or of Papa Roach with my kids ;-) 

I feel quite old in the young crowd that certainly came for Papa Roach. At the back of the auditorium, at the bar, there are some very young kids sitting and maybe watching one of their first gigs (leaving me wonder whether once I would be able to do the same with my kids :-). If I compare this to MY first gig (below - ggg).

As a 'real' support act, Filter do not play that long. They are still able to communicate their distinct power I particularly like of Filter. Surprisingly, they do not play a single song of their recent album 'Soldiers of Misfortune' - strange, this album is not that bad at all (for example 'The Wake' is just a great song).

What shall I tell of Papa Roach? They leave no impression to me. Highly enthusiastic crowd, for me, this music is near-to-boring. I even had listened into the music, but sorry guys, I am no fan of you.

More to follow here...

17 March 2009

Eagles Of Death Metal

Location: Arena, Industriegebiet Erdberg, 1030 Vienna, Austria
I joined Pez to this gig on last minute, and I had not been aware of this band before. Arena was packed to the last corner, for good reason.

(Although the sound of this video is not that great, I like how the bass hammers into the mic of the camera if you listen with headphones ;-)

Buddy: Pez (thanks so much for taking me with you)

Aother gig? Yeah

More to follow, ticket missing currently

28 January 2009


Location: Szene Wien, Hauffgasse 26, 1110 Vienna, Austria
What Helmet has in common with Nine Inch Nails is that the group is essentially the band leader. Page Hamilton is the only remaining original band member and apparently the driving force behind the entire idea. Considering the strong influence of Helmet on prog rock (whatever that means), it is a must to see them.

How cool is this? All band members signed my ticket!!! :-)

Buddies: Harald and his mate Christian, Jochen and brothers were there as well
Score: 4 out of 5 stars
Another gig? Yes, with new songs.